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Big Goose, Little Goose, Tongue River, Lonabaugh and Riggs

Protecting People and their Property Rights

Our firm has a strong real estate practice with a long history of assisting clients to buy, sell and lease property. We have also worked with clients to obtain or grant conservation, access and other easements, and we can assist with any other property rights issues The firm provides real estate legal services throughout Wyoming and in neighboring areas of Montana. Our real estate practice includes transactional work for some of the largest ranches in the region, as well as many smaller family operations, commercial businesses, individual property owners and regional banks.


Included in the firm's real estate practice are more concentrated areas of focus pertaining to oil, gas and mineral leases, surface use agreements, mineral site agreements, access rights, title problems, mortgages, liens, grazing rights, agricultural leases, water rights, real estate exchanges, covenants, and conservation easements. Our conservation easement practice encompasses work with most of Wyoming’s major land trusts and many landowners in the creation and application of some of Wyoming’s largest and oldest conservation easements. Our oil and gas real estate work involves many landowners and energy producers in the Powder River Basin, as well as other parts of the State. Our practice includes, where necessary, representation of clients in litigation and appellate work on real estate issues, ranging from routine to complex.


We take pride in providing quality representation to protect our clients’ interests, finding alternative solutions to problems and bringing each transaction or issue to a successful conclusion.

Physical: 50 E. Loucks, Suite 110

Mailing: Drawer 5059

Sheridan, WY 82801

Phone: (307) 672-7444

Fax: (307) 672-2230


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© 2018 Lonabaugh and Riggs, LLP


​The Wyoming State Bar does not certify any lawyer as a specialist or expert. Anyone considering a lawyer should independently investigate the lawyer's credentials and ability, and not rely upon advertisements or self-proclaimed expertise. Wyo. R. Pro. Con. Rule 7.2.

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